Green technology is using tools and methods to do things that are environmentally friendly and that also conserves natural resources and the environment. Green technology does not damage or deplete the earth’s natural resources. Green technology is used so products can be re- used and recycled. It is an alternative source of technology that reduces fossil fuels and creates less damage to people, animals, and plants. Green technology also reduces the amount of waste and pollution that is created during the production and consumption of goods.
A large part of managing your finances is saving money. Using green technology is a great way to help you save money and save the environment. In some instances it may cost more money with the initial purchase but over time you will see the savings. Green technology can be used in all areas of our life – cooling, heating, driving, electricity, computers, and more. Here are 14 ways to save money using green technology.
1. Pay bills online. Pay your bills online which saves you money on stamp, envelopes, writing checks, late fees or convenience fees. It also helps you budget your money quickly and easily. You can also setup automatic bill payment through your bank.
2. Drive less. Use public transportation, car pool, ride a bicycle or walk. With the increasing price of gas this will save you lots of money. Consider moving closer to your employer or moving near a train station or metro station.
3. Showering. Install a low-flow shower head to save money on water consumption. Limit the time you take a shower to 10-15 minutes.
4. Hot Water Heater. Trade in your gas or electric hot water heater for a solar water heater. It uses the sun’s energy to preheat the water which can save 50-80% on your utility bill.
5. Water. Drink tap water instead of bottled water. Use a filter like Pur or Brita for your kitchen faucet or water pitcher. This way you are not paying twice for water (your water bill and drinking bottled water).
6. Lighting. Use fluorescent light bulbs for lighting which will help you save money on lighting. Also make sure you turn off the lights if you are out of a room for more than 20 minutes. Use night lights to light dim areas if needed.
7. Electricity. Unplug large appliances and electronic devices when not in use. Set your computer to standby or sleep mode when not in use. It takes more energy to restart your computer every time you turn it on it than it does to wake it up from sleep mode.
8. Recycled. Buy recycled products which usually cost 10-15% less than non-recycled products.
9. Power Strip It. Use power strips to plug in your appliances and electronic devices. Most energy is consumed when devices are turned off but not unplugged. To save money, turn the power strip switch to off when you are not using the devices.
10. Energy Star. Energy Star has been around for a long time but now it is even cheaper to use energy efficient products which use 70-80% less energy.
11. Insulate. Insulate your home, attic, windows and door to save money on heating and cooling.
12. Solar window film. Switch your plastic window film to solar window film to help keep you home cooler by reducing utility costs. The film prevents the sun’s rays from entering your home and reduces the need for air conditioning. This is most effective in areas where the temperatures don’t get too cold.
13. Recharge batteries. Buy rechargeable batteries to charge your electronic devices, toys, games and more. The electricity you use to recharge a battery is much cheaper than buying a 4 or 8 pack of batteries.
14. Re-manufactured Supplies. Buy re-manufactured supplies such as printer ink and toner cartridges from Office Depot which can cost up to 15% less.
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